Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Path between habitat and development : fish, wildlife and environmental laws from the Department of Wildlife.
Publisher Washington Dept. of Wildlife,
Year Published 1987
OCLC Number 29726929
Subjects Environmental law--Washington (State) ; Environmental law--United States ; Natural resources--Law and legislation--Washington (State) ; Natural resources--Law and legislation--United States ; Wildlife conservation--Law and legislation--Washington (State) ; Wildlife conservation--Law and legislation--United States
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
ESAD  10A007194 Region 10 Library/Seattle,WA 10/29/2004
Collation 37 p. : ill., maps ; 22 x 28 cm.
Cover title. "6/87"--P. {4} of cover. Title on added t.p.: A pamphlet on fish, wildlife and environmental laws.
Contents Notes
Fish, wildlife -- Habitat, jurisdiction, authority, laws, permits -- Second/old growth forests, wetlands, lakes, streams --Small/large development -- Bank protection, beaver dams, culvert install, flood control, marinas, mining, transportation. The importance of fish and wildlife habitats and the laws which protect habitat are discussed. The types are identified: edge, irrigated and dryland grassland, pole stage, second growth and old growth forests, wetlands, riparian, lakes, streams, estuaries. Covers permits and state and federal laws for small and large development such as bank protection, beaver dam removal, culvert installation, flood control, marinas, mining, transportation corridors, etc. Explains the jurisdiction and authority of the Washington Dept. of Wildlife in most development projects.