Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Greenhouse Gases Phase 3 - Carbon Storage Quantification and Methodology Demonstration. Final Report.
Author Ney, R. A. ; Schnoor, J. L. ; Mancuso, M. A. ; Espina, A. ; Budhathoki, O. ;
CORP Author Iowa Univ., Iowa City. ;Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources, Des Moines.;Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.
Publisher 30 Jun 2001
Year Published 2001
Stock Number PB2003-102690
Additional Subjects Greenhouse gases ; Carbon storage ; Methodology ; Iowa ; Lowering (reducing) ; Global warming ; Global effect ; Energy efficiency ; Wind power ; Fertilization application methods ; Methane ; Hogs ; Agriculture management ; Land management ; Manure ; Renewable natural resources ; Ethanol ; Hog houses ; Switchgrasses ; Trees (Plants) ; Incentives ; Marketing ; Carbon dioxide ; Forests ; Soils ; Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research (CGRER) ; Iowa Greenhouse Gas Action Plan ; Poplars ; Market incentives ; Above ground sequestration ; Below ground sequestration ; Agroforestry
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB2003-102690 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation CD-ROM
In December, 1996, the Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research (CGRER) at the University of Iowa published the Iowa Greenhouse Gas Action Plan, a report prepared in cooperation with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. The report included 16 recommendations for priority reductions in greenhouse gas emissions to prevent global warming and to improve the economy of the State. Recommendations included: energy efficiency, wind power development, reduction in fertilizer applications, capturing of methane at large hog lots, production of energy crops (switchgrass and poplars), market incentives, and carbon sequestration in forests, buffer strips, and prairies. Progress has been made on wind power development, switchgrass production, and some of the energy efficiency recommendations since 1996. However, the State has continued to use more energy and to emit more greenhouse gases each year. We are currently emitting about 100 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalents each year (100 million short tons CO2-eq/yr). That is an average of 35 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere per year from each Iowa citizen, considering all our activities (industrial, commercial, residential, and transportation). It is the purpose of this report to provide quantification and demonstration of agricultural recommendations in the Iowa Greenhouse Gas Action Plan, i.e., carbon storage in forests (aboveground sequestration) and soils (below-ground sequestration), and energy crop utilization. These actions remain some of the most cost-effective means to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the State of Iowa, together with energy efficiency.