Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Effect of Local Ultraviolet Irradiation on Infections of Mice with 'Candida albicans', 'Mycobacterium bovis BCG', and 'Schistosoma mansoni'.
Author Jeevan, A. ; Evans, R. ; Brown, E. L. ; Kripke, M. L. ;
CORP Author M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX.;Health Effects Research Lab., Research Triangle Park, NC. Environmental Toxicology Div.
Publisher c1992
Year Published 1992
Report Number EPA/600/J-93/342;
Stock Number PB93-229607
Additional Subjects Ultraviolet rays ; Candida albicans ; Mycobacterium bovis ; Schistosoma mansoni ; Mice ; Infections ; Cellular immunity ; Delayed hypersensitivity ; Lymphoid tissue ; Reprints ;
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB93-229607 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 8p
In the study, it was investigated whether mice given ultraviolet (UV)-B (280-320 nm) radiation in doses sufficient to alter cutaneous immune cells and impair the induction of contact hypersensitivity would also have impaired resistance to infectious agents administered at the site of UV irradiation. C3H mice were exposed to 400 J/sq m UVR from FS40 sunlamps on four consecutive days. Immediately after the last UV treatment, groups of mice were injected subcutaneously with Candida albicans, injected intradermally (ID) with Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG), or infected percutaneously with Schistosoma mansoni in UV-irradiated skin. The induction of the delayed hypersensitivity response to C. albicans and BCG, as assessed by footpad swelling, was unaffected by UV irradiation. However, the number of viable mycobacteria recovered from the lymphoid organs of BCG-infected mice was increased significantly in the UV-irradiated animals for a period of more than 2 months. The ability of UV radiation to impair the development of cell-mediated immunity to antigens introduced in a UV-irradiated site is not universal and depends on the particular antigen administered.