Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Analysis of Engineering Alternatives for Environmental Protection from Thermal Discharges
Author Tichenor., Bruce ;
CORP Author Washington State Water Research Center, Pullman.
Year Published 1973
Report Number EPA-16130-FLM; W73-11078;
Stock Number PB-221 498
Additional Subjects Water pollution ; Cooling water ; Industrial waste treatment ; Decision making ; Electric power plants ; Water pollution ; Electric power generation ; Heated effluents ; Benefit cost analysis ; Mathematical models ; Substitutes ; Planning ; Impact ; Ecology ; Design criteria ; Management planning ; Feedwater additives ; Computer programs ; Thermal pollution ; Water pollution abatement ; Water pollution effects(Animals) ; ORM
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-221 498 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 236p
A decision tree framework was used to integrate engineering decisions concerned with the control of environmental impacts from stationary thermal power plants. The engineering costs and the ecological response of fish communities to any sequence of decisions in the tree can be computed with the models developed in this study. A series of formulations were also developed to describe the environmental impact of siting a series of power plants in a region. Both the static and dynamic models require verification before they are applied. Impacts of thermal and chemical discharges to the receiving waters and mechanical damage from screening devices are modeled.