Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Aquatic Ecosystems, Water Quality, and Global Change: Challenges of Conducting Multi-stressor Global Change Vulnerability Assessments.
CORP Author Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC.
Year Published 2011
Report Number EPA/600/R-11/011F
Stock Number PB2012-100896
Additional Subjects Climate change ; Water resources ; Environmental impacts ; Water quality ; Indicators ; Literature reviews ; Indicator classifications ; Challenges ; Gradients ; Thresholds ; Mapping ; Spatial aggregation ; Categorical aggregation ; Recommendations ; Tables (Data) ; Figures ; Maps ; Vulnerability ; Risk assessments ; Global changes ; Multi-stressors
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NTIS  PB2012-100896 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 427p
This report investigates the issues and challenges associated with identifying, calculating, and mapping indicators of the relative vulnerability of water quality and aquatic ecosystems, across the United States, to the potential adverse impacts of external forces such as long-term climate and land-use change. We do not attempt a direct evaluation of the potential impacts of these global changes on ecosystems and watersheds. Rather, we begin with the assumption that a systematic evaluation of the impacts of existing stressors will be a key input to any comprehensive global change vulnerability assessment, as the impacts of global change will be expressed via often complex interaction with such stressors: through their potential to reduce overall resilience, or increase overall sensitivity, to global change. This is a well established assumption, but to date there has been relatively little exploration of the practical challenges associated with comprehensively assessing how the resilience of ecosystems and human systems in the face of global change may vary as a function of existing stresses and maladaptations. The work described in this report is a preliminary attempt to begin such an exploration.