Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Simulated Effects of Wastewater-Management Actions on the Hydrologic System and Nitrogen-Loading Rates to Wells and Ecological Receptors, Popponesset Bay Watershed, Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
Author D. A. Walter
CORP Author Geological Survey, Reston, VA.; Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Protection, Boston.
Year Published 2013
Report Number USGS/SIR-2013-5060
Stock Number PB2014-105638
Additional Subjects Wells ; Hydrogeology ; Water quality ; Wastewater infiltration ; Soils ; Investigation methods ; Physical factors ; Chemical factors ; Hydrologic factors ; Tables(Data) ; Figures(Data) ; Geophysical measurements ; Sediment collection ; Sediment analysis ; Water quality ; Infiltration trenches ; Perched water ; Hydrogeologic frameworks
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB2014-105638 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 74p
The discharge of excess nitrogen into Popponesset Bay, an estuarine system on western Cape Cod, has resulted in eutrophication and the loss of eel grass habitat within the estuaries. Septic-system return flow in residential areas within the watershed is the primary source of nitrogen. Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for nitrogen have been assigned to the six estuaries that compose the system, and local communities are in the process of implementing the TMDLs by the partial sewering, treatment, and disposal of treated wastewater at wastewater-treatment facilities (WTFs). Loads of waste-derived nitrogen from both current (19972001) and future sources can be estimated implicitly from parcel-scale water-use data and recharge areas delineated by a groundwater-flow model. These loads are referred to as instantaneous loads because it is assumed that the nitrogen from surface sources is delivered to receptors instantaneously and that there is no traveltime through the aquifer. The use of a solute-transport model to explicitly simulate the transport of mass through the aquifer from sources to receptors can improve implementation of TMDLs by (1) accounting for traveltime through the aquifer, (2) avoiding limitations associated with the estimation of loads from static recharge areas, (3) accounting more accurately for the effect of surface waters on nitrogen loads, and (4) determining the response of waste-derived nitrogen loads to potential wastewater-management actions. The load of nitrogen to Popponesset Bay on western Cape Cod, which was estimated by using current sources as input to a solute-transport model based on a steady-state flow model, is about 50 percent of the instantaneous load after about 7 years of transport (loads to estuary are equal to loads discharged from sources); this estimate is consistent with simulated advective traveltimes in the aquifer, which have a median of 5 years.