Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Economic Impact Analysis of Effluent Guidelines: Animal Feed, Breakfast Cereal and Wheat Starch Segments of the Grain Mills Industry.
Author Unger, Samuel G. ; Buzenberg, Robert J. ; Ringleb., Alan H. ;
CORP Author Development Planning and Research Association, Inc., Manhattan, Kans.;Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Office of Planning and Evaluation.
Year Published 1975
Report Number EPA-68-01-1533; EPA/230/2-75/038;
Stock Number PB-245 082
Additional Subjects Food processing ; Water pollution control ; Economic impact ; Grains(Foods) ; Standards ; Cost estimates ; Water pollution abatement ; Financing ; Pricing ; Competition ; Technology ; Profits ; Employment ; Industrial plants ; Shutdowns ; Cereal products ; Social effect ; Water pollution economics ; Grain processing industry ; Grain milling ; SIC 2042 ; SIC 2043 ; SIC 2046 ; Water pollution standards ; Industrial shutdowns ; Wheat starch processing ; Cereal breakfast food
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-245 082 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 110p
The economic impacts of proposed effluent limitations guidelines on three segments of the grain milling industry were assessed: animal feed (SIC 2042) breakfast cereal (2043) and wheat starch-gluten (2046) processing. The analysis included classification and description of types of firms and plants, evaluation of pricing mechanisms and relationships and financial profiles of selected model plants. Financial impacts of proposed effluent treatment technology were assessed in terms of price, industry returns, and production volume. Employment, community impact and international trade effects were also assessed. Limits of the analysis were stated. Overall, the proposed controls of this study (point source category only) will neither directly nor seriously impact the three segments studied in the short run. Water effluent problems of the animal feed segment are inconsequential and detailed assessments were not required. Virtually all breakfast cereal and wheat starch processing plants are connected to municipal treatment systems and this minimizes applicability of the proposed guidelines. The breakfast cereal industry is sufficiently viable to withstand proposed costs for pollution control facilities if required. However, the potential impacts of the guidelines on the wheat starch segment are such that new entrants into the industry would not be expected if private treatment systems were required.