Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Emerging technologies for the management and utilization of landfill gas /
Author Roe, Stephen M. ; Reisman, J. ; Strait, R. ; Doorn, M.
CORP Author Pechan (E.H.) and Associates, Inc., Rancho Cordova, CA.;Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. Air Pollution Prevention and Control Div.
Publisher U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Risk Management Research Laboratory,
Year Published 1998
Report Number EPA/600/R-98/021; EPA-68-D3-0035
Stock Number PB98-127913
OCLC Number 47279444
Subjects Landfill gases--Environmental aspects ; Environmental protection
Additional Subjects Refuse derived fuels ; Resource recovery facilities ; Methane ; Waste heat utilization ; Landfills ; Earth fills ; Methanol ; Carbon dioxide ; Gas recovery ; Fuel cells ; Energy sources ; Bioreactors ; Stirling engines ; Rankine cycle engines ; Technology innovation ; Greenhouse gases ; Air pollution abatement ; Landfill gases ; Pollution prevention
Internet Access
Description Access URL$file/A.98.37.pdf$FILE/A.98.37.pdf
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EJBD  EPA 600-R-98-021 Headquarters Library/Washington,DC 05/29/2018
ELBD ARCHIVE EPA 600-R-98-021 Received from HQ AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 10/04/2023
ESAD  EPA 600-R-98-021 Region 10 Library/Seattle,WA 05/16/2017
NTIS  PB98-127913 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation v, 57 pages ; 28 cm
The report gives information on emerging technologies that are considered to be commercially available (Tier 1), currently undergoing research and development (Tier 2), or considered as potentially applicable (Tier 3), for the management of landfill gas (LFG) emissions or for the utilization of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) from LFG. The emerging technologies that are considered to be Tier 1 are: (1) phosphoric acid fuel cells, (2) processes for converting CH4 from LFG to compressed LFG for vehicle fuel or other fuel uses, and (3) use of LFG as a fuel source for leachate evaporation systems. The Tier 2 technologies covered in the report are: (1) operation of landfills as anaerobic bioreactors, (2) operation of landfills are aerobic bioreactors, (3) production of ethanol from LFG, (4) production of commercial CO2 from LFG, and (5) use of LFG to provide fuel for heat and CO2 enhancement in greenhouses. Tier 3 technologies, considered as potentially applicable for LFG. include Stirling and Organic Rankine Cycle engines.
"February 1998." "EPA-600/R-98-021." Caption title. Print.