Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Environmental radiation data : October-December 1993. Report 76.
CORP Author National Air and Radiation Environmental Lab., Montgomery, AL.
Publisher U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Radiation and Indoor Air,
Year Published 1996
Report Number EPA 402-R-96-004
Stock Number PB96-183595
OCLC Number 712179850
Subjects Radiation, Background--United States--Statistics ; Radiation, Background--North America--Statistics
Additional Subjects Environmental monitoring ; Radiation monitoring ; Radionuclide migration ; Radiation detection ; Radioecological concentration ; Fallout deposits ; Particles ; Radioisotopes ; Milk ; Surface waters ; Drinking water ; Plutonium ; Uranium ; Iodine 131 ; Strontium 90 ; Krypton 85 ; Tritium ; Carbon 14 ; Beta particles ; Gamma radiation ; Alpha particles ; Tables(Data)
Internet Access
Description Access URL
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
ELBD RPS EPA 402-R-96-004 repository copy AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 08/03/2015
ELBD  EPA 402-R-96-004 AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 08/19/2015
NTIS  PB96-183595 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation xi, 43 pages ; 28 cm
The Environmental Radiaton Ambient Monitoring System (ERAMS) is comprised of a nationwide network of sampling stations that provide air, surface and drinking water, and milk samples from which environmental radiation levels are derived. Sampling locations are selected to provide optimal population coverage while functioning to monitor fallout from nuclear devices and other forms of radioactive contamination of the environment. The radiation analyses performed on these samples include gross alpha and gross beta levels, gamma analyses for fission products, and specific analyses for uranium, plutonium, strontium, iodine, radium, krypton, and tritium. This monitoring effort also provides ancillary information on natural background levels and on routine and accidental releases into the environment from stationary sources.
"January 1996"--Cover. "EPA 402-R-96-004"--Cover.