Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Draft Environmental Impact Statement Ideal Basic Industries: Cement Plant, Theodore Industrial Park, Alabama, and Limestone Quarry, Monroe County, Alabama. Appendices Volume II. Appendix B Baseline. Climatology and Dispersion Meteorology, Air Quality, Noise Levels, Solid Waste, Geotechnical Aspects, Water Resources, Archaeology.
CORP Author Environmental Protection Agency, Atlanta, Ga. Region IV.
Year Published 1978
Report Number EPA/904/9-78/005B;
Stock Number PB-285 586
Additional Subjects Environmental impact statements - draft ; Industrial plants ; Alabama ; Climatology ; Meteorology ; Mines(Excavations) ; Limestone ; Plant location ; Air pollution ; Forecasting ; Sources ; Public health ; Sites ; Regions ; Water resources ; Noise pollution ; Water pollution ; Solid waste disposal ; Mobile(Alabama) ; Air quality ; Cement plants ; Ideal Cement Company ; Baseline studies
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-285 586 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 209p
Ideal Basic Industries proposes to construct a new cement plant in Theodore Industrial Park near Mobile, Alabama and a supportive limestone quarry in Monroe County near Monroeville, Alabama. This impact statement addresses the existing air quality in Mobile County and Theodore Industrial Park and the natural environment of the proposed quarry sites. The purpose of this section is to present a detailed description of the 1977 baseline conditions and projected 1992 conditions at the plant and quarry sites. The descriptions of the 1977 baseline environment are based on the results of extensive data gathering and field work conducted during 1977. The baseline conditions at the plant and quarry sites are presented for nine areas: climatology and meteorology, air, noise, solid waste, geotechnical, water resources, archaeology, terrestrial and aquatic ecology, and socioeconomics. For applicable areas (air, noise, water resources, ecology, and socioeconomics), the projected conditions in 15 years (the 1992 baseline conditions without the proposed action) are also presented.