Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Tricky treats /
Author Perez, Georgia,
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Rolo, Patrick.
Fifield, Lisa.
Publisher U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Diabetes Translation, Native Diabetes Wellness Program : Indian Health Service, Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention,
Year Published 2006
OCLC Number 68477712
Subjects Non-insulin-dependent diabetes--Prevention--Juvenile literature ; Diabetes--Nutritional aspects--Juvenile literature ; Snack foods--Health aspects--Juvenile literature ; Food habits--Juvenile literature ; Diabetes in children--Juvenile literature ; Indian children--Nutrition--Juvenile literature ; Indians of North America--Food--Juvenile literature ; Indians of North America--Health and hygiene--Juvenile literature ; Coyote (Legendary character)--Juvenile literature ; Diabetes--Nutritional aspects--Juvenile fiction ; Food habits--Juvenile fiction ; Indians of North America--Food--Juvenile fiction ; Indians of North America--Health and hygiene--Juvenile fiction ; Native American children--Fiction
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EJBM  RA448.5.I5P474 2006c Headquarters Library/Washington,DC 03/23/2015
Collation iii, 22 pages : color illustrations ; 22 x 26 cm
Shipping list no.: 2007-0092-P. "15878.0905.71671216"--Page 2 of cover. "Eagle Books: Diabetes prevention stories for Native American children"--Page ii. "This book is the fourth in a four book series developed by the CDC's Native Diabetes Wellness Program"--Page [22].
Contents Notes
Mr. Eagle and Miss Rabbit teach a group of Native American children about eating healthy snacks. Coyote joins them and tries to trick the children into eating sweet treats instead. Will the children fall for Coyote's tricks?