Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Comprehensive Study of Specified Air Pollution Sources to Assess the Economic Impact of Air Quality Standards Asbestos, Beryllium Mercury. Volume II.
Author Paddoc, Richard E. ; Aye, Franklin A. ; Col, Alex B. ; LeSour, David A. ;
CORP Author Research Triangle Inst., Durham, N.C.
Year Published 1972
Report Number RTI-FR-41U-649-Vol-2; EPA-68-02-0088; RTI-41U-649; 1548;
Stock Number PB-222 858
Additional Subjects ( Air pollution ; Economic analysis) ; ( Asbestos ; Air pollution) ; ( Beryllium ; Air pollution) ; ( Mercury(Metal) ; Air pollution) ; Mining ; Beneficiation ; Cost estimates ; Particles ; Industrial wastes ; Manufacturing ; Hazardous materials ; Sources ; Impact ; Air pollution control
Internet Access
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NTIS  PB-222 858 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 134p
Estimates are made of the costs of controls to reduce the emissions of asbestos fibers, beryllium, and mercury from primary production and selected secondary sources within the Nation. Production processes and control technology are examined. Controls are selected to meet assumed or proposed emission standards and costs are estimated. In addition, an extended analysis is made where appropriate, to determine the economic impact of control costs on each industrial source or group of industrial sources studied. The effects on prices are also estimated. Under the assumed implementation plan, the estimated costs are those that will be incurred during the period of Fiscal Year 1970 through Fiscal Year 1977. (Author)