Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Attachment and Replication of 'Pseudomonas aeruginosa' Bacteriophages under Conditions Simulating Aquatic Environments.
Author Kokjohn, T. A. ; Sayler, G. S. ; Miller, R. V. ;
CORP Author Stritch School of Medicine, Maywood, IL. ;Argonne National Lab., IL. Environmental Research Div. ;Tennessee Univ., Knoxville. Dept. of Microbiology.;Environmental Research Lab., Gulf Breeze, FL.
Publisher c1991
Year Published 1991
Report Number EPA/600/J-91/102;
Stock Number PB91-206953
Additional Subjects Aquatic ecosystems ; Virus replication ; Bacteriophages ; Pseudomonas aeruginosa ; Water microbiology ; Cell adhesion ; Virulence ; Growth ; Reprints ; Environmental conditions
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB91-206953 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 8p
Bacterial viruses are important in regulating bacterial population densities in natural aquatic environments, but the dynamics of bacteriophage-bacterial interactions in nature are poorly understood. A study investigated the attachment and replication of three Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteriophages (one temperate and two virulent) under conditions similar to those found in nature. Attachment and replication of bacteriophages were not impaired at host-cell densities equal to or lower (<10 to the fifth power c.f.u./ml) than those frequently found in aquatic environments when the host cells were physiologically competent to allow phage growth. Attachment (45-93%) to either actively growing or starved cells was not impaired in river water, indicating that attachment is efficient in natural freshwater habitats. However, the replication of bacteriophages was significantly altered in starved cells in river water.