Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Warfare in a fragile world : military impact on the human environment /
Author Westing, Arthur H.
CORP Author Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
Publisher Taylor & Francis ; Distributed in the U.S. by Crane, Russak,
Year Published 1980
OCLC Number 05353341
ISBN 0850661870; 9780850661873; 0844813443; 9780844813448
Subjects War--Environmental aspects ; Human ecology ; Guerres ; Effets sur l'environnement ; Krieg ; Umweltschaden
Additional Subjects War--Environmental aspects ; Human ecology
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
ELBM  QH545.W26S76 1980 AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 01/01/1988
Collation xiv, 249 pages ; 24 cm
"Written by ... Arthur H. Westing." Includes bibliographical references (pages 207-241) and index.
Contents Notes
The human environment -- Temperate regions -- Tropical regions -- Desert regions -- Artic regions -- Islands -- The ocean -- The global ecology. "Among the crucial problems that confront mankind today are those associated with a degraded environment. This book examines the extent to which warfare and other military activities contribute to such degradation. The military capability to damage the environment and to cause ecological disruption has escalated, and there is no sign that the level of conflict in the world is decreasing. The military use and abuse of each of the several major global habitats -- temperate, tropical, desert, arctic, insular, and oceanic -- are evalusated separately in the light of the civil use and abuse of that habitat"--Jacket.