Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Incident Response and Clearance in the State of Texas: Case Studies of Four Motorist Assistance Patrols.
Author Wohlschlaeger, S. D. ; Balke, K. N. ;
CORP Author Texas Transportation Inst., College Station.;Federal Highway Administration, Austin, TX. Texas Div.;Texas Dept. of Transportation, Austin. Transportation Planning Div.
Publisher Oct 92
Year Published 1992
Report Number RR-1232-15; FHWA/TX-92/1232-15;
Stock Number PB94-120581
Additional Subjects Occurrence ; Texas ; Motorist aid systems ; Safety patrols ; Reporting ; Case histories ; Disabled vehicles ; Emergency reporting systems ; Accident investigations ;
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB94-120581 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 62p
The report contains case study analyses of four motorist assistance patrol programs in the State of Texas. In addition, it contains discussions of the four incident response and clearance strategies most often pursued by various agencies within the state: (1) freeway corridor surveillance and control, (2) traffic and incident management teams, (3) fast removal policies, and (4) motorist assistance patrols. Of the four strategies discussed in the report, motorist assistance patrols appear to offer the greatest opportunity for agencies to directly affect the duration of the response and clearance stages of an incident. Many factors go into determining the physical structure and coverage area of a motorist assistance patrol, a great deal of them political. The report provides useful insight into the various political and organizational attributes that need to be considered when developing a motorist assistance program. Regardless of their organizational structure or geographic coverage, motorist assistance patrols provide an effective way to reduce incident response and clearance time and at the same time are a useful tool for improving an agency's public image.