Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Alternative futures analysis of Farmington Bay Wetlands in the Great Salt Lake Ecosystem [electronic resource].
Author R. Sumner ; J. Schubauer-Berigan ; T. Mulcahy ; J. Minter ; B. Dyson
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
J. Blue
C. Godfrey
CORP Author National Risk Management Research Lab., Cincinnati, OH. Office of Research and Development.
Publisher USEPA Office of Research and Development, National Risk Management Research Laboratory,
Year Published 2010
Report Number EPA/600/R-10/ 032
Stock Number PB2011-113248
Subjects Wetlands--Utah--Great Salt Lake ; Groundwater flow--Utah--Great Salt Lake ; Hydrogeological surveys--Utah--Great Salt Lake ; Farmington Flats (Utah) ; Wetlands--Utah--Davis County ; Groundwater flow--Utah--Davis County ; Hydrogeological surveys--Utah--Davis County
Additional Subjects Wetlands ; Ecosystems ; Management scenarios ; Template descriptions ; Ecosystem services ; Evaluation models ; Watershed loading ; Wetland landscape profiles ; Wetland goals ; Protection ; Restoration ; Conservation ; Decision making ; Water quality ; Models ; Landscape design scenarios ; Farmington Bay wetlands ; Great Salt Lake Ecosystem ; Alternative futures analyses ; Avian Wetland Habitat Assessment (AWHA)
Internet Access
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Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB2011-113248 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 1 online resource (xii, 94 p.) : col. ill., col. maps.
An Alternative Futures Analysis (AFA) was conducted to demonstrate how models can be used to evaluate landscape design scenarios developed for the Farmington Bay area of the Great Salt Lake. Scenarios were developed which featured the design of a conservation 'future' focused on a set of wetland protection, restoration, and conservation practices. The conservation design was contrasted with scenarios that reflect current day wetland management practices and an extrapolation of those practices into the future. Each of the future scenarios was described in context with the average water level elevation of the Great Salt Lake and a high water level elevation (4,200 feet and 4,212 feet, respectively). In addition, a set of wetland 'templates' was developed and embedded into each scenario to aid scenario design and evaluation. Each template represents a typical cluster or complex of wetlands with a dominate wetland class: impoundment wetlands, playa wetlands and fringe/emergent wetlands. Evaluation of the scenarios was based on risks to avian habitat support caused by degradation in wetland abundance, distribution, and condition. The evaluation entailed the use of four ecological modeling approaches. A wetland landscape profile was developed to track change in wetland abundance, by class, across the scenarios. A Geographic Information System (GIS) based avian wetland habitat assessment (AWHA) was developed to predict the availability of suitable avian habitat. The ArcView Generalized Watershed Loading Function (AVGWLF) model was calibrated to predict nutrient loads to the wetlands. A wetland cellular water quality model was developed to evaluate nutrient retention in impoundment class wetlands. No specific analysis was conducted to determine the effects of nutrient loads on the ecological condition of receiving wetlands.
Title from title screen (viewed Apr. 14, 2011). "March 2010." "EPA/600/ R-10/ 032." Includes bibliographical references (p. 58-63).
Contents Notes
"This research project was conducted to develop a way of forecasting and quantifying the cumulative effect of management practices on the future management of wetland ecosystem services. The study is focused on wetland support for biodiversity, and specifically examined management risks to the avian habitat. Retention, recovery, and removal of excess nutrients by the wetland resource were also analyzed. No specific analysis was conducted to determine the effects of nutrient loads on the ecological condition of receiving wetlands. It was beyond the scope of the project. Future efforts to determine the effects of nutrient loads on the ecological condition of receiving wetlands will likely involve the systematic monitoring and assessment of wetlands in the project area over time. Information about the development and deployment of a wetland-monitoring program for the Great Salt Lake can be found on the Utah Department of Environmental Quality website."