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Main Title Descriptive Basis for a Model of Soils Biogeochemistry (Chapter 12).
Author Lassiter, R. R. ; Plis, Y. M. ;
CORP Author Environmental Research Lab., Athens, GA. ;Ukrainian Scientific Center for Water Protection, Kharkov.
Publisher c1994
Year Published 1994
Report Number EPA/600/A-94/103 ;ISBN-0-471-58943-3;
Stock Number PB94-182250
Additional Subjects Climatic changes ; Global air pollution ; Environment models ; Soil chemistry ; Reprints ; Geochemistry ; Soil properties ; Kinetic equations ; Soil microbiology ; Transport theory ; Greenhouse effect ; Nitrogen cycle ; Aerobic processes ; Anaerobic processes ; Oxidation reduction reactions ; Hydrolysis ; Fermentation ; Bioengineering ; Biogeochemical model ; Greenhouse gases ; Denitrification ; Bipolymer decomposition ; Methanogenesis
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NTIS  PB94-182250 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 20p
A model of biogeochemical processes for use in simulating greenhouse gas production and consumption is described. The model uses kinetic equations to describe a vertically distributed soil column that is characterized physically by soil properties. Transport processes move soluble and gaseous components in the soil column, including loss of gaseous components at the soil-atmosphere interface. Biogeochemical reactions are described beginning with hydrolysis of fresh, decomposable biopolymeric material to more resistant biopolymers and to monomers. Oxidative processes remove monomers and produce by-products including greenhouse gases. These processes include aerobic decomposition in aerobic zones and denitrification and germentation in anaerobic zones. Initial testing of the model for its general behavior indicates that this approach holds promise as a component of earth system models for simulating biogeochemical cycling.