Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Evaluation of Low-Emission Coal Burner Technology on Industrial Boilers. Volume 2. Appendices.
Author Folsom, B. A. ; Abele, A. R. ; Reese, J. L. ; Sommer, T. M. ;
CORP Author Energy and Environmental Research Corp., Irvine, CA.;Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. Air and Energy Engineering Research Lab.
Year Published 1988
Report Number EPA-68-02-3127; EPA/600/7-88/019B;
Stock Number PB88-250543
Additional Subjects Air pollution control equipment ; Nitrogen oxides ; Boilers ; Design criteria ; Combustion ; Exhaust gases ; Retrofit devices ; Air pollution abatement ; Stationary sources ; Air toxic substances
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB88-250543 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 192p
The report gives results of a field evaluation of the Distributed Mixing Burner (DMB) on a 98 kg/hr (215,000 lb/hr) steaming capacity, four-burner, front-wall-fired boiler. Following DMB installation, the boiler was operated and tested with the new burners for 17 months. Under routine operation, the DMBs reduced NOx emissions by about 50 percent--from the baseline condition of about 0.96 to about 0.46 lb/million Btu (418 to 200 ng/J). Under carefully controlled, optimized conditions, NOx emissions were further reduced about another 20 percent--to about 0.3 lb/million Btu (131 ng/J). The DMB is a low-NOx pulverized-coal burner for wall-fired boiler applications. It operates under reducing conditions in the primary flame zone to minimize NOx emissions while an overall oxidizing environment is maintained in the furnace to minimize slagging and corrosion.