Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Forced-Oxidation Demonstration at the TVA Widows Creek Unit 8 FGD System.
Author Patterson, J. G. ; Munson, G. T. ; Runyan, R. A. ; Veitch, J. D. ; Wells, W. L. ;
CORP Author Tennessee Valley Authority, Chattanooga. Div. of Energy Demonstrations and Technology.;Industrial Environmental Research Lab., Research Triangle Park, NC.
Year Published 1982
Report Number TVA/OP/EDT-82/15; EPA-600/7-82-043;
Stock Number PB83-124719
Additional Subjects Air pollution control ; Solid waste disposal ; Flue gas ; Earth fills ; Industrial wastes ; Combustion products ; Electric power plants ; Sulfur dioxide ; Oxidation ; Dewatering ; Windows Creek Steam Plant ; Limestone scrubbing ; Forced oxidation systems ; Tennessee Valley Authority ; Flue gas desulfurization
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB83-124719 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 144p
The report discusses an evaluation by TVA of forced oxidation in a 140-MW train of the Widows Creek steam plant Unit 8 venturi-spray tower limestone FGD system. Oxidation by air sparging in the agitated hold tank of both the venturi and spray tower absorber consistently produced over 95% oxidation at air rates of 2 lb atoms O/lb mole SO2 absorbed (stoichiometry of 2, or 100% excess). Oxidation only in the venturi hold tank produced less consistent results because of carryover mixing of the liquid in the two tanks. Oxidation levels above 95% permitted dewatering to over 80% solids using a thickener and rotary vacuum filter. The dewatered waste was easily handled as a solid. SO2 removal and FGD system operating characteristics were unaffected. Forced oxidation appears to be a practical method of producing a solid waste that can be disposed of in a landfill (as an alternative to pond waste disposal) for the Unit 8 FGD system.