Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Superfund explanation of significant difference for the record of decision : Cornhusker Army Ammunition Plant, Hall County, NE.
CORP Author Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Office of Emergency and Remedial Response.
Publisher [U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Emergency and Remedial Response], Distributed by National Technical Information Service,
Year Published 1997
Report Number EPA/541/R-97/147
Stock Number PB97-963140
OCLC Number 41034369
Subjects Hazardous waste sites--Nebraska
Additional Subjects Superfund ; Hazardous materials ; Water pollution control ; Army facilities ; Munitions industry ; RDX ; TNT ; HMX ; DNT ; Explosives ; Chemical effluents ; Plumes ; Ground water ; Aquifers ; Water treatment ; Discharge(Water) ; Water pollution monitoring ; Remedial action ; Nebraska ; ESD(Explanation of Significant Difference) ; Explanation of Significant Difference ; Record of Decision ; Cornhusker Army Ammunition Plant ; Grand Island(Nebraska) ; Hall County(Nebraska) ; Cleanup operations
Internet Access
Description Access URL
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
ELBD ARCHIVE EPA 541-R-97-147 AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 12/28/2021
ELBD RPS EPA 541-R-97-147 repository copy AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 10/17/2014
ELBD  EPA 541-R-97-147 AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 08/13/1999
NTIS  PB97-963140 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 1 volume (various pagings) : illustrations, maps ; 28 cm
This Explanation of Significant Differences (ESD) is being issued for Operable Unit One (OU1) at Cornhusker Army Ammunition Plant (CHAAP) in Grand Island, Nebraska. This ESD represents the notice of a difference from the remedial action selected in the OU1 Record of Decision (ROD), which was changed by the previous ESD May 1996. The change being made to the OU1 remedy involves only a change to the discharge location of the treated effluent water. The change involves no difference to the treatment processes or effluent limits.
Cover title. "2/7/1997." "PB97-963140." "EPA/541/R-97/147." "March 1998."