Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Restoration of lower St. Regis Lake (Franklin County, New York) /
Author Fuhs, G. Wolfgang ; Allen, Susan P. ; Hetling, Leo J. ; Tofflemire., T. James
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Allen, Susan P.,
Hetling, Leo J.,
Tofflemire, T. J.
Fuhs, G. Wolfgang
CORP Author New York State Dept. of Health, Albany. Environmental Health Center. ;New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation, Albany. Environmental Quality Research Unit.;Corvallis Environmental Research Lab., Oreg. Special Studies Branch.
Publisher Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory,
Year Published 1977
Report Number EPA 600-3-77-021; EPA-S-801529
Stock Number PB-266 278
OCLC Number 03005537
Subjects Lake restoration--New York (State)--Lower Saint Regis Lake ; Eutrophication--New York (State)--Lower Saint Regis Lake ; Limnology--New York (State)--Lower Saint Regis Lake ; Lake restoration--New York (State)--St Regis, Lake ; Eutrophication--New York (State)--St Regis, Lake ; Limnology--New York (State)--St Regis, Lake ; Lake renewal--New York (State)--St Regis, Lake
Additional Subjects Water pollution ; Algae ; Inorganic phosphates ; Saint Regis Lake ; Nutrients ; Cyanophyta ; Summer ; Diatoms ; Iron ; Recovery ; Evaporation ; Oxygen ; Losses ; Methane ; Aquatic biology ; Water balance ; New York ; Franklin County(New York) ; Eutrophication ; Trophic level ; Hypolimnion
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Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EIAD  EPA 600/3-77-021 Region 2 Library/New York,NY 04/29/2005
EJBD ARCHIVE EPA 600-3-77-021 Headquarters Library/Washington,DC 11/21/2023
EJBD  EPA 600-3-77-021 Headquarters Library/Washington,DC 01/09/2020
ELBD ARCHIVE EPA 600-3-77-021 Received from HQ AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 10/04/2023
ELBD  EPA 600-3-77-021 AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 01/29/2019
ESAD  EPA 600-3-77-021 Region 10 Library/Seattle,WA 03/23/2010
NTIS  PB-266 278 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation xi, 107 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Lower St. Regis Lake, the lowest of a chain of three lakes in Franklin County, Adirondack Region, New York, was subject to severe eutrophication, as indicated by summer-long intense blue-green algal blooms caused by phosphate discharges from a point-source contributing approximately 0.8 g P/(sq m x yr). Sewage from the point-source had been subject to an extended aeration-activated sludge treatment. Ferric chloride was added and ferric phosphate sludge was removed from the basin from July to December 1972, from March to November 1973, and in April 1974. In May 1974 year-round diversion of the effluent to a sand bed 250 meters from the lake was begun. During the summers of 1973 and 1974 there was washout of phosphate from the lake system, and the summer bloom was delayed. In 1975 the usual spring bloom of flagellates and diatoms did not occur, and the summer bloom was further reduced in duration and intensity. The recovery of the lake is thus very much in evidence. The high iron content of the lake, among several other factors, appears to be speeding the recovery; a delaying influence is being exerted by the continued hypolimnic oxygen depletion, however, presumably from methane formed in the sediments.
"EPA Grant No. S-801529." "February 1977." Cover title. Prepared by New York State Dept. of Health, Environmental Health Center and New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation, Environmental Quality Research Unit, for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Environmental Research Laboratory, Corvallis, Oregon, under EPA Grant no. S-801529. Includes bibliographical references (pages 102-105).