Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Kress Indirect Dry Cooling System, Bethlehem Steel's Coke Plant Demonstration at Sparrows Point, Maryland. Volume 1. Technical Report and Appendices A-F.
Author Ossman, A. G. ;
CORP Author Bethlehem Steel Corp., PA.;Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. Air and Energy Engineering Research Lab.
Publisher May 93
Year Published 1993
Report Number EPA-68-DO-0128; EPA/600/R-93/080A;
Stock Number PB93-191302
Additional Subjects Air pollution control ; Coking ; Water pollution control ; Alternatives ; Performance evaluation ; Coke ovens ; Cost analysis ; Design ; Operations ; Dry methods ; Quality assurance ; Quality control ; Maintenance ; Kress Indirect Dry Cooling System ; Bethlehem Steel Corporation ; Sparrows Point(Maryland)
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NTIS  PB93-191302 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 280p
The report evaluates the Kress Indirect Dry Cooling (KIDC) process, an innovative system for handling and cooling coke produced from a slot-type by-product coke oven battery. The report is based on the test work and demonstration of the system at Bethlehem Steel Corporation's Sparrows Point (Maryland) facility in 1991. The report covers both environmental and operational impacts of the KIDC process. Areas covered in the report include opacity levels, quenching emissions, and the impact of the KIDC coke on blast furnace operations. Also evaluated were various performance characteristics of the KIDC system, including reliability, cycle time, coke cooling requirements, and costs. Unfortunately, abbreviation of the test program, caused by the idling of coke production at Sparrows Point, limited the experience gained and data collected during the demonstration. The report contains appendices A-F.