Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Laboratory Study to Evaluate the Impact of NOx, SOx, and Oxidants on the Atmospheric Corrosions of Galvanized Steel.
Author Edney, E. O. ; Stiles, D. C. ; Spence, J. W. ; Haynie, F. H. ; Wilson, W. E. ;
CORP Author Northrop Services, Inc., Research Triangle Park, NC.;Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. Atmospheric Sciences Research Lab.
Year Published 1986
Report Number EPA-68-02-4033; EPA/600/D-86/095;
Stock Number PB86-193687
Additional Subjects Galvanized materials ; Steels ; Experimentation ; Oxidizers ; Atmospheric corrosion ; Sulfur dioxide ; Nitrogen dioxide ; Galvanized steels
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB86-193687 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 34p
A series of laboratory experiments was conducted in which galvanized steel exposed to NO sub 2 in air and irradiated propylene/nitrogen oxides/air mixtures in the absence and presence of SO2. Dew was produced periodically on the test panels, and at the end and/or during the experiments, panels were sprayed with either deionized water or an ammonium bisulfate solution (pH of 3.5). Gas phase concentrations were monitored, and dew and rain rinse samples were analzed for nitrite, nitrate, sulfite, sulfate, formaldehyde, and zinc. The average deposition velocities measured during periods of wetness were sulfur dioxide, 0.8 cm/s; formaldehyde, 0.6 cm/s; nitric acid, 0.7 cm/s; and nitrogen dioxide, 0.03 cm/s. Analysis of dew samples suggests that the dry deposition of sulfur dioxide, nitric acid, formaldehyde, and possibly nitrogen dioxide accelerates the atmospheric corrosion of galvanized steel. Wet deposition of acidic species accelerates corrosion. A general model for the atmospheric corrosion of galvanized steel is presented.