Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Design, Construction, and Preliminary Combustion Trials of a Rig to Evaluate Residual Fuel-Oil/Water Emulsions.
Author Barret, R. E. ; Hazar, H. R. ; McComi, C. ; Lockli, D. W. ;
CORP Author Battelle Memorial Inst., Columbus, Ohio. Columbus Labs.
Year Published 1970
Report Number PH-86-68-84; 86-68-84-22;
Stock Number PB-214 260
Additional Subjects ( Test facilities ; Combustion) ; ( Combustion ; Residual oils) ; ( Air pollution ; Combustion products) ; Emulsions ; Water ; Atomizing ; Fuel oil ; Oil burners ; Design ; Nitrogen oxides ; Tests ; Furnaces ; Air pollution control ; Smoke number
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-214 260 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 51p
The report describes the design and development of a versatile conbustion-test rig for investigating combustion of residual fuel oils at conditions simulating either the residence time or turbulence level of combustion in industrial boilers. The rig was designed to permit adjustment of the following factors: excess air, firing rate, combustion-air swirl, atomization-nozzle type, atomization temperature, fuel, and wall temperatures (with cooling surface added). Successful operation of the rig was achieved at firing rates of about 1.8 and 7.0 gph with No. 6 residual fuel oil and a 20 percent water-in-residual fuel oil emulsion. Smoke numbers (Bacharach) are reported for a number of combustion trials at 2 to 30 percent excess air. Preliminary measurements are given for NO(x) concentrations.