Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title The state atlas of political and cultural diversity /
Author Lilley, William,
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
DeFranco, Laurence J.,
Diefenderfer, William Martin,
Publisher Congressional Quarterly,
Year Published 1997
OCLC Number 36046012
ISBN 1568021771; 9781568021775
Subjects United States--Census, 1990--Maps ; United States--Population--Maps ; United States--Census, 21st, 1990--Maps
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
ESAR  G1201 .E25L5 1996 Atlas Case Region 10 Library/Seattle,WA 11/06/1998
Collation 1 atlas (298 pages) : color maps ; 29 cm
Contents Notes
"This atlas describes the top state legislative districts in terms of their racial and ancestral make ups. For each of the fifteen ancestral groups represented, the volume provides comprehensive and precise maps showing those house and senate districts with more than 50 percent population of the group; more than 25 percent; and more than 10 percent. Accompanying these maps are extensive data tables showing for each district: average household income; education level; and percentage receiving social security. Included in the maps and tables of the book are up to 1,000 districts." "Combining maps, tables, and overview essays, this reference is the first-of-its-kind inventory and analysis of multiculturalism as represented in state politics."--BOOK JACKET.