Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Benthic Invertebrate Bioassays with Toxic Sediment and Pore Water. Hazard Assessment.
Author Giesy, J. P. ; Rosiu, C. J. ; Graney, R. L. ; Henry, M. G. ;
CORP Author Michigan State Univ., East Lansing.;Environmental Research Lab.-Duluth, MN.;National Fisheries Research Center-Great Lakes, Ann Arbor, MI.
Publisher c1990
Year Published 1990
Report Number EPA/600/J-90/118;
Stock Number PB90-264128
Additional Subjects Toxicity ; Sediments ; Bioassay ; Luminescence ; Exposure ; Lethal dosage ; Aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbons ; Reprints ; Water pollution effects(Animals) ; Toxic substances ; Daphnia magna ; Hexagenia limbata ; Dose-response relationships ; Photobacterium phosphoreum ; Chironomus tentans
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB90-264128 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 17p
The relative sensitivities of bioassays to determine the toxicity of sediments were investigated and three methods of making the sample dilutions required to generate dose-response relationships were compared. The assays studied were: (a) Microtox, a 15-min assay of Photobacterium phosphoreum bioluminescence inhibition by pore water; (b) 48-h Daphnia magna lethality test in pore water; (c) 10-d subchronic assay of lethality to and reduction of weight gain by Chironomus tentans performed in either whole sediment or pore water; (d) 168-h acute lethality assay of Hexagenia limbata in either whole sediment or pore water. The three methods of diluting sediments were: (a) extracting pore water from the toxic location and dilution with pore water from the control station; (b) diluting whole sediment from the toxic location with control whole sediment from a reference location, then extracting pore water; and (c) diluting toxic, whole sediment with whole sediment from a reference location, then using the whole sediment in bioassays. Based on lethality, H. limbata was the most sensitive organism to the toxicity of Detroit River sediment. Lethality of D. magna in pore water was similar to that of H. limbata in whole sediment and can be used to predict effects of whole sediment toxicity to H. limbata. (Copyright (c) 1990 SETAC.)