Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Combined sewer overflow abatement plan, Des Moines, Iowa /
Author Davis, Peter L., ; Borchardt., Frank
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Borchardt, Frank,
Christensen, Ralph G.,
CORP Author Henningson, Durham and Richardson, Inc., Omaha, Nebr.
Publisher Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Year Published 1974
Report Number EPA-R2-73-170; EPA-14-12-402; EPA-11024-FEJ; W74-10194
Stock Number PB-234 183
OCLC Number 01010956
Subjects Combined sewers--Iowa--Des Moines ; Runoff--Iowa--Des Moines ; Water--Pollution--Iowa--Des Moines
Additional Subjects Combined sewers ; Overflows ; Water pollution ; Urban areas ; Water quality ; Flow rate ; Iowa ; Surface water runoff ; Cost estimates ; Des Moines(Iowa) ; Storm water runoff ; Water pollution control ; Water quality data
Internet Access
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Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EJBD  EPA R2-73-170 Headquarters Library/Washington,DC 11/02/2012
ELBD ARCHIVE EPA R2-73-170 Received from HQ AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 10/04/2023
ELBD  EPA R2-73-170 AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 01/02/1998
NTIS  PB-234 183 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation xii, 311 pages : illustrations, maps, charts, tables ; 28 cm
Combined sewer overflows, storm water discharges, and surface waters in the Des Moines, Iowa Metropolitan Area were sampled for 12 months to determine their pollutional characteristics. Various systems of separation and collection and treatment of combined sewer overflow and storm water discharges were designed, estimated and evaluated. Analyses were made of the data collected and of the various system problems encountered. The studies indicate 174,500 pounds of BOD are discharged annually from a 4,000 acre combined sewer drainage area, and 2,668,000 pounds of BOD from 45,000 acres served by separate storm sewers.
"April 1974"--Cover "Project Officer: Ralph G. Christensen." U.S. EPA Contract No. Contract Number: 14-12-402, Project No. 11024FEJ. "Author(s)[:] Davis, Peter L. [and] Borchardt, F.A.; Organization[:] Henningson, Durham & Richardson, Inc., Omaha, Nebraska"--Selected water resources abstracts Input Transaction Form Includes bibliographical references (pages 219-220), and glossary.
Contents Notes
Conclusions -- Recommendations -- Introduction -- Project area -- Field operations and procedures -- Sewage, overflow and storm water discharge data -- Rainfall-runoff studies -- River data and analysis -- Combined sewer separation -- Treatment of combined sewer overflows and storm water discharges -- Unusual problems encountered -- Summary of cost estimates -- Appendices. Combined sewer overflows, storm water discharges, and surface waters in the Des Moines, Ioway Metropolitan Area were sampled for 12 months to determine their pollutional characteristics. Various systems of separation and collection and treatment of combined sewer overlow and storm water discharges were designed, estimated and evaluated. Analyses were made of the data collected and of the various sytem problems encountered.