Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Feasibility of Centralized Management of Water Recreation Facilities in Mississippi.
Author Williams, Jr, D. C. ; Carte, Charles P. ; Malcho, Mary H. ;
CORP Author Mississippi State Univ., State College.
Year Published 1971
Report Number OWRR-A-041-MISS; 12322,; A-041-MISS(1)
Stock Number PB-202 667
Additional Subjects ( Management planning ; Recreation) ; ( Recreation ; Water resources) ; ( Water resources ; Mississippi) ; Recreational facilities ; Parks ; State government ; Federal government ; Organizations ; Feasibility ;
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-202 667 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 82p
The purpose was to evaluate the feasibility of centralized management of public water-based recreation facilities constructed by federal and state agencies in Mississippi. Six state and three federal agencies are primarily involved. Management of recreation facilities is the major function of only one agency--the State Park System. Intensity of development, level of operation and maintenance, etc., are almost of the same number as there are agencies involved. Also, management philosophies and practices vary among the agencies. Some charge entrance and/or user fees and others do not, and the nature and level of funding are diverse. Based upon interviews with representatives of each agency, analysis of available data, review of agency organization and functions, and a survey of management practices used in other states, it was concluded that centralized management is feasible in Mississippi. (Author)