Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Effect of Inherited Contamination on Egg and Larval Winter Flounder, 'Pseudopleuronectes americanus'.
Author Black, D. E. ; Phelps, D. K. ; Lapan, R. L. ;
CORP Author Environmental Research Lab., Narragansett, RI.
Publisher c1988
Year Published 1988
Report Number EPA/600/J-88/445 ;ERLN-742;
Stock Number PB90-126608
Additional Subjects Eggs ; Flat fishes ; Water pollution ; Narragansett Bay ; Exposure ; Larvae ; Environmental impacts ; Growth ; Survival ; Ecology ; Buzzards Bay ; Rhode Island ; Reprints ; Pseudopleuronectes americanus ; Bioaccumulation ; Polychlorinated biphenyls
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB90-126608 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 20p
The exposure of adult winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus, to contaminated estuarine environments and a possible impact of this exposure on their progeny was investigated. Polluted study areas included Gaspee Point in upper Narragansett Bay, RI, New Bedford Harbor in Buzzards Bay, MA, noted for its PCB contamination, and Apponagansett Bay, MA, a less contaminated site near New Bedford. Fox Island, a relatively clean area in lower Narragansett Bay, served as a reference area. Although adult winter flounder disperse offshore during the summer, a tag and recapture study verified their yearly residence and exposure to contaminants.