Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Lost Source Exercise 1997: An Exercise of Radiological Response through Cooperation and Coordination of Local, State and Federal Agency Resources under the National Contingency Plan.
Author Belanger, B. ; Steuteville, B. ; Chawaga, D. ; Weinstein, E. ;
CORP Author Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC. Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data. ;Environmental Protection Agency, Philadelphia, PA. Region III.
Publisher Aug 98
Year Published 1998
Stock Number NUREG-1634
Additional Subjects Emergency planning ; Radioactive materials ; State planning ; Emergency preparedness ; Coordination ; Emergencies ; Training ; Local planning ; Interagency coordination ; Interagency cooperation ; Procedures ; Radiation protection ; Health physics ; Lost Source Exercise ; Emergency response ; FRERP(Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan)
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  NUREG-1634 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 56p
The report describes an exercise that demonstrated an emergency response and source recovery operation involving the private sector, county government and state government, utilizing federal assistance from multiple federal agencies. The federal assistance was provided under the National contingency Plan (NCP) using the notification and communications procedures as described in the Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan (FRERP). The FRERP identifies the EPA as the Lead Federal Agency (LFA) under certain circumstances. These circumstances include events where radioactive materials licensed by the NRC are involved but the identify of the licensee is unknown. This designation from the FRERP was used as a model in this simulated NCP response. The report shows how such a response would be conducted, and may be useful for training in emergency response and as a blueprint for future exercises of similar nature.