Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Development of an Anionic Exchange Glass Fiber Substrate POU (Point-of-Use) Device to Remove Arsenic.
Author X. Li ; J. Wang ; J. Economy ; W. R. Kelly
CORP Author Midwest Technology Assistance Center (MTAC), Champaign, Illinois.; Illinois Univ. at Urbana-Champaign. Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering.; Illinois State Water Survey Div., Champaign.; Environmental Protection Agency, Chicago, IL. Region V.
Year Published 2009
Report Number MTAC-TR08-07; EPA-X829218-01; ISWS-CR-2009-02
Stock Number PB2009-103944
Additional Subjects Potable water ; Public water systems ; Environmental protection ; Decontamination ; Arsenic ; Research and development ; Illinois ; Glass fibers ; Anionic exchange ; Grants ; Research projects ; Water treatment ; US EPA ; Midwest Technology Assistance Center ; Point of use ; US EPA grant number X829218-01
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB2009-103944 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 16p
Arsenic poisoning is one of the most widespread water-related problems in the world. Arsenic in drinking water causes bladder, lung, and skin cancer. Even very low doses of arsenic may damage the central and peripheral nervous systems, heart, and blood vessels, and may also lead to serious skin problems. In this project, an iron oxide (Fe2O3) system supported on a glass fiber substrate developed at the Department of Materials Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign was evaluated for removal of arsenic from water. Laboratory tests were performed to evaluate the effectiveness of these filters in removing arsenic to concentrations below the MCL and determine how long the filters remained effective. Both deionized (DI) water and natural groundwater spiked with arsenic were used in the laboratory tests to evaluate the rate of fouling and determine the significance of solute (i.e., anions such as bicarbonate, silicate, and phosphate) interference. Finally, a prototype of a point-of-use (POU) device was developed and tested in the homes of volunteers who had elevated arsenic concentrations in their well water.