Abstract |
This Manual not only assists the municipalities in meeting the Stormwater Phase II regulations, but encourages them to use targeted best management practices (BMPs) within the watershed with the long-term goal of consistent application by all regulated entities within the watershed. The manual of Guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures will help promote behavior that will improve the water quality of New Hampshire's lakes, ponds, streams, rivers, and estuaries. Objectives of the Manual: The specific objectives of the manual are to: 1. Provide a commonly-accepted set of technical standards and guidance on stormwater management measures that will control the quantity and quality of stormwater produced by municipal activities, new development and redevelopment; 2. Assist municipalities in meeting Stormwater Phase II requirements; 3. Encourage the use of targeted BMPs with the long-term goal of consistent application by all regulated entities within the watershed; 4. Encourage cost-savings for MS4s through proper and timely maintenance of stormwater systems; and 5. Promote behavior that will improve water quality in the coastal watersheds and other watersheds in New Hampshire. |