Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Something in the soil : legacies and reckonings in the New West /
Author Limerick, Patricia Nelson
Publisher W.W. Norton,
Year Published 2000
OCLC Number 42420946
ISBN 0393037886
Subjects West (US)--History ; West (US)--Historiography
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EOAM  F591.L57 2000 Region 8 Technical Library/Denver,CO 06/02/2000
Edition 1st ed.
Collation 384 p. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. {345}-374) and index.
Contents Notes
Haunted America -- The adventures of the frontier in the twentieth century -- The case of the premature departure: the trans-Mississippi West and American history textbooks -- Historical lessons on Anza Day -- John Sutter: prototype for failure -- Turnerians all: the dream of a helpful history in an intelligible world -- Mission to the environmentalists -- Disorientation and reorientation: the American landscape discovered from the West -- The Gold Rush and the shaping of the American West -- Peace initiative: using the Mormons to rethink culture and ethnicity in American history -- Will the real Californian please stand up? -- The shadows of Heaven itself: the demanding dreams of the American West -- Believing in the American West -- A how-to guide for the academic going public -- Dancing with professors: the trouble with academic prose -- Limerick's rules of verbal etiquette.