Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Candia Land Conservation and Well Survey Project. Final Report.
Author A. Stone
CORP Author New Hampshire Dept. of Environmental Services, Concord.; UNH Cooperative Extension, Laconia, NH.; Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.
Year Published 2005
Stock Number PB2011-107306
Additional Subjects Well surveys ; Land conservation ; Community wells ; Estuaries ; Educations ; Project teams ; Goals ; Environmental protection ; Objectives ; Recommendations ; Outreach programs ; Candia (New Hampshire)
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB2011-107306 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 31p
Candia's concern over local development, its rapid growth and encroaching sprawl, and the resulting negative impacts on the natural environment led them to consider taking more serious steps towards environmental protection. This resulted in a two-pronged initiative: a land conservation program, and a survey to collect baseline data about their groundwater resources. With many of the lands overlying identified aquifers not permanently protected, conservation of these lands is critical for preserving the integrity of Candia's current and future water supplies. The Candia Open Space Committee was a direct outgrowth of the Northeast Regional Ocean Council (NROC) program. With NROC staff assistance, the group formulated its structure and goals, and established its relationship with the Candia Conservation Commission. During the NROC process, the group developed a public outreach strategy to build support for land protection, and to reach landowners interested in conserving their land. As part of their land conservation efforts, the Open Space Committee and Conservation Commission wrote a warrant article for the 2005 Town meeting for $200,000 to replenish their conservation fund. To build support for this initiative, the group developed a brochure describing the Open Space Committee and their goals, and four newsletters. The warrant article was passed successfully. The intent is that the Conservation Commission will come back to town meeting every year, report on its activities/spending, and request replenishment of the funds spent. The Candia-NROC group's concern about drinking water resources (both quality and quantity) led to the development and implementation of a well survey to collect baseline data about Candia's ground water resources.