Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Lake Michigan eutrophication model : calibration, sensitivity, and five-year hindcast analysis /
Author Lesht, Barry M.
CORP Author Argonne National Laboratory.; United States. Environmental Protection Agency.
Publisher Argonne National Laboratory,
Year Published 1984
Report Number ANL/ER-84-3
OCLC Number 11474431
Subjects Eutrophication--Michigan, Lake ; Michigan, Lake--Models ; Water quality--Michigan, Lake
Additional Subjects Eutrophication--Lake Michigan ; Water quality--Lake Michigan ; Michigan, Lake--Models
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EJBM  QC771.A7ad no. 84-3 Headquarters Library/Washington,DC 02/28/2007
ELAM  QH96.8.E9L3 1984 2 copies Region 5 Library/Chicago,IL 08/03/2010
ELBM  QC771.A7 1984 no. 84-3 AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 02/17/2017
Collation viii, 50, [6] pages : illustrations ; 28 cm
A dynamic, deterministic, eutrophication model of Lake Michigan that was developed by Rodgers and Salisbury (1981) and installed at Argonne National Laboratotry as part of Interagency Agreement AD-89 F-0-145-0 is described in this report.^The focus is on model formulation, calibration and verification, and the relationship between these processes and the available field data.^Field data are too sparse for detailed analysis, but the model does produce a reasonable five-year simulation of several water quality variables, including total phosphorus and chlorophyll-a.^The model provides a valuable framework for understanding the nutrient cycle in Lake Michigan, but forecasts made using the model must be considered within the context of model limitations.^20 references, 37 figures, 7 tables.
"ANL/ER-84-3." "September 1984." "Distribution category: Environmental Control Technology and Earth Sciences (UC-11)." Report in partial fulfillment of Interagency Agreement IAG AD-89 F-0-145-0