Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog
RECORD NUMBER: 8 OF 127Main Title | BASINS case study 1 : Cottonwood Creek Watershed, Idaho county, Idaho / | |||||||||||
Publisher | U.S. EPA Office of Water, | |||||||||||
Year Published | 2000 | |||||||||||
Report Number | EPA-823-R-00-024 | |||||||||||
OCLC Number | 55090250 | |||||||||||
Subjects | Water--Pollution--Idaho--Cottonwood Watershed ; Water quality--Idaho--Cottonwood Watershed ; Bacterial pollution of water--Idaho--Cottonwood watershed | |||||||||||
Internet Access |
Holdings |
Edition | Final. | |||||||||||
Collation | 12 p. ; 28 cm. | |||||||||||
Notes | "May 2000." "EPA's Office of Science and Technology was requested by the Idaho Division of Environmental Quality (IDEQ), and to help develop a bacteria TMDL for Conttonwood Creek, Idaho using EPA's BASINS software. The technical goals of this project were to determine the source of the high bacteria concentrations, estimate bacteria loadings, and determine the load reductions need to meet State water quality criteria... "--Introduction. Includes bibliographical references. |