Main Title |
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for K043 : final. |
Author |
April, R. ;
Chatmon-McEaddy, M.
CORP Author |
Versar, Inc., Springfield, VA.;Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Office of Solid Waste. |
Publisher |
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, |
Year Published |
1989 |
Report Number |
EPA 530-SW-89-048L; EPA/530-SW-89-048J; EPA-68-01-7053 |
Stock Number |
PB89-221477 |
OCLC Number |
39960539 |
Subjects |
Hazardous wastes ;
Hazardous waste treatment facilities
Additional Subjects |
Acrylonitriles ;
Waste disposal ;
Water pollution control ;
Industrial waste treatment ;
Hazardous materials ;
Performance standards ;
Plastics industry ;
Incinerators ;
Cyanides ;
Best technology ;
Land disposal ;
Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984 ;
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act ;
Pollution regulations ;
SIC 2869
Internet Access |
Holdings |
Library |
Call Number |
Additional Info |
Location |
Last Modified |
Checkout Status |
EPA 530-SW-89-048L |
Received from HQ |
AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH |
10/04/2023 |
PB89-221477 |
Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. |
07/26/2022 |
Collation |
1 volume (various pagings) |
Abstract |
The background document presents the Agency's technical support for selecting and developing the treatment standards for the constituents to be regulated in the acrylonitrile nonwastewaters. The document also contains some information relevant to the acrylonitrile wastewaters. THE EPA will summarize any additional information used to develop performance standards for the wastewaters from acrylonitrile production in an addendum to the background document. Because of facility claims of confidentiality, the document does not contain all of the data that EPA used in its regulatory decision-making process. |
Notes |
Cover title. "EPA 530-SW-89-048L"--Cover. "June 1989"--Cover. "Office of Solid Waste"--Cover. Includes bibliographical references. |