Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Determining the Demand and Economic Value for the Water-Based Outdoor Recreation Resources at Lake MacBride State Park in the Summer of 1970.
Author Glascoc, Martha G. ; Bor, Jon J. ;
CORP Author Iowa State Water Resources Research Inst., Ames.
Year Published 1971
Report Number ISWRRI-40; DI-14-31-0001-3083; OWRR-B-017-IOWA; 01980,; B-017-IOWA(1)
Stock Number PB-204 816
Additional Subjects ( Lakes ; Recreational facilities) ; ( Iowa ; Lakes) ; Economic surveys ; Regional planning ; Demand(Economics) ; Summer ; Pattern recognition ; Socioeconomic status ; Parks ; Outdoor recreation ; Water based recreation ; Lake MacBride
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-204 816 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 177p
The purpose was to determine how user patterns relate to the economic values of water-based recreation facilities at Lake MacBride State Park. This included a survey of present demand for existing water-based recreation facilities in the park, determination of socio-economic variables which may partially explain demand, and monetary values placed on water recreation areas and their use by the consumer. Estimates have been made of resultant expanded park use areas and proximity and design of areas and facilities and their potential effect on use patterns. An examination of the sources of water pollution of Lake MacBride was made. In addition, projected levels of pollution were analyzed and recommendations for the alleviation of this problem were made.