Contents Notes |
What is population viability analysis, and how can it be used in conservation decision-making? Potential products and uses of PVA ; Types of population viability analysis ; A roadmap to this book ; Our modeling philosophy: keep it simple -- The causes and quantification of population vulnerability. Mean vital rates and population viability ; Temporal variability in vital rates ; Other processes influencing viability ; Quantifying population viability -- Count-based PVA: density-independent models. Population dynamics in a random environment ; The relationship between the probability of extinction and the parameters [mu] and [sigmap2s] ; Using count data to estimate the population growth parameters [mu] and [sigmap2s]: an illustration using the Yellowstone grizzly bear census ; Using estimates of [mu] and [sigmap2s] to calculate probability of extinction ; Using extinction time estimates ; Key assumptions of simple count-based PVAs ; When to use this method -- Count-based PVA: incorporating density dependence, demographic stochasticity, correlated environments, catastrophes, and bonanzas. Density dependence ; Combined effects of demographic and environmental stochasticity ; Environmental autocorrelation ; Catastrophes, bonanzas, and other highly variable effects ; An overview of maximum likelihood parameter estimation -- Accounting for observation error in count-based PVAs. Potential sources of observation error ; Considerations for reducing observation error before a census is initiated ; Quantifying observation errors while a census is being conducted ; Correcting for observation errors after the census data have been collected ; A directory to more advanced methods for estimating parameters in the face of observation error -- Demographic PVAs: using demographic data to build stochastic projection matrix models. Overview of procedures fir building projection matrices ; Step 1: Conducting a demographic study ; Step 2: Establishing classes ; Step 3: Estimating vital rates ; Step 4: Building the projection matrix ; Putting it all together: estimating projection matrices for Mountain Golden Heather. Demographic PVAs: using projection matrices to assess population growth and viability. Structured populations in a deterministic environment ; Growth and extinction risk of structured populations in a variable environment -- Demographic PVAs based on vital rates: removing sampling variation and incorporating large variance, correlated environments, demographic stochasticity, and density dependence into matrix models. Estimation and construction of stochastic models based on vital rates ; Simulations to estimate population rate and extinction risk ; Simulating demographic stochasticity ; Including density dependence in matrix models -- Using demographic PVA models in management: sensitivity analysis. The basic ideas of sensitivity analysis ; Sensitivity analysis for deterministic matrices ; Sensitivity analysis for stochastic matrix models ; Sensitivity analysis for density-dependent models -- Population dynamics across multiple sites: the interaction of dispersal and environmental correlation. Terminology for multi-site PVAs ; Multi-site process and data needs ; A schematic breakdown of multi-site situations ; Using Occam's razor in multi-site PVAs -- Methods of viability analysis for spatially structured populations. Patch-based approaches ; Count-based approaches ; Demographic approaches ; Using multi-site PVAs with care -- Critiques and cautions: when to perform (and when not to perform) a population viability analysis. Critiques and criticisms of PVA ; General recommendations and cautions for conducting a population viability analysis ; Closing remarks -- Appendix: Mathematical symbols used in this book. This text provides practical, intelligible, and intuitive explanations of population modelling to empirical ecologists and conservation biologists. Modelling methods that do not require large amounts of data (typically unavailable for endangered species) are emphasized. |