Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Community Environmental Health Assessment Workbook. A Guide to Evaluating Your Community's Health and Finding Ways to Improve It.
Author D. Payne
CORP Author Environmental Law Inst., Washington, DC.; Environmental Protection Agency, Philadelphia, PA. Region III.
Year Published 2000
Report Number ELI-000601; EPA-EQ-993325-01
Stock Number PB2010-106753
Additional Subjects Health hazards ; Environmental impacts ; Communities ; Public participation ; Urban areas ; Ecology ; Quality of life ; Public health ; Human behavior ; Air pollution ; Water pollution
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB2010-106753 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 102p
This workbook will help community leaders, local organizers, and citizens groups assess environmental health problems in their neighborhoods and assist them in tackling these problems. It outlines an approach to identifying problems, gathering information, and establishing the community's priorities for improving the environmental health of its residents. Examples for Washington, D.C. serve as illustrations and possible examples. Residents of other cities and localities can find equivalent resources and data within their own communities. Environmental health is part of public health. It looks at the environment in terms of the pollutants, human behavior, and other factors that affect human health. In public health terms, the environment includes the food we eat, the air we breathe (indoor and outdoor), the housing we live in, the water we use for cooking, drinking and bathing, the recreational lands that we use, as well as the parks and wilderness areas we have preserved for future generations.