Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Stream Surveys in Vicinity of Uranium Mills. III. Area of Uravan, Slick Rock, and Gateway, Colorado - August 1960.
CORP Author Public Health Service, Denver, Colo. Div. of Water Supply and Pollution Control
Year Published 1961
Report Number Rept. No. ;PR-4;
Stock Number PB-260 289
Additional Subjects Uranium mines ; Milling ; Colorado River ; River basins ; Dolores River ; San Miguel River ; Utah ; Water quality data ; Tables(Data) ; Stream flow ; Water pollution sampling ; Radiation hazards ; Uravan(Colorado) ; Slick Rock(Colorado) ; Gateway(Colorado) ;
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-260 289 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 38p
This is a report of one of three short-term field studies carried out in the vicinity of uranium processing mills in western Colorado and eastern Utah during August 1960. These studies were the initial undertaking of the Colorado River Basin Water Quality Control Project and were made for the purpose of determining the pollutional constituents contained in uranium mill discharges and the effects of these discharges on receiving waters in certain specific areas of the Colorado River Basin. The results of the other studies are contained in reports of the Colorado River Basin Project.