Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Screening Study to Development Background Information and Determine the Significance of Air Contaminant Emissions from Pesticide Plants.
Author Ifeadi., C. N. ;
CORP Author Battelle Columbus Labs., Ohio.;Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Office of Pesticide Programs.
Year Published 1975
Report Number EPA-68-02-0611; EPA/540/9-75/026;
Stock Number PB-244 734
Additional Subjects Air pollution ; Pesticides ; Herbicides ; Fungicides ; Insecticides ; Industrial plants ; Questionnaires ; Predictions ; Industrial wastes ; Fumigation ; Wood preservatives ; Materials handling ; Manufacturing ; Manufacturers ; Management planning ; Terpenes ; Chlorine alyshatic compounds ; Arsenic organic compounds ; Phenols ; Surveys ; Cost analysis ; Chlorine aromatic compounds ; MSMA herbicide ; Pesticide industry ; Methyl parathion ; Air pollution control ; Toxaphene ; Methane arsonic acid/monosodium salt ; Trifluralin ; Phenol/pentachloro ; PCP herbicide ; Benzene/dichloro
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-244 734 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 85p
In this study, available background information is developed and the significance of air contaminant emissions from the manufacture of six pesticides determined. Pesticides studies are (1) insecticides: methyl parathion and toxaphene; (2) herbicides: monosodium acid methanearsonate (MSMA) and trifluralin; (3) fungicides and wood preservatives: pentachlrophenol; and (4) fumigant: paradichlorobenzene. Background information is gathered from published data and responses to the questionnaries sent to the pesticide manufacturing firms. Based on the available data, production projections are made up to the year 1980. A list of manufacturers of each pesticide is presented. Manufacturing processes, raw and waste material handling, air contaminant emission sources, quantity or quality, and pollutants, together with their present practical control methods are discussed. Significance of air contaminant emissions from the pesticide industries is evaluated on the basis of available data on the emission quantities and/or toxicity of the pollutants emitted. Gaps in the data required to make a complete evaluation of significance are identified and recommendations to fill those gaps are made.