Abstract |
The Regional Oxidant Model (ROM) is a three-dimensional photochemical Eulerian grid model designed to simulate ambient concentrations of ozone and related species. ROM is a 3-layer model with a horizontal resolution of approximately 19 km; each grid cell has dimensions of 1/6 degree latitude by 1/4 degree longitude. The typical horizontal extent of the modeling domain is 1000 km. The model is designed to simulate hourly regional concentrations of ozone during largely stagnant summertime conditions that are associated with elevated smog episodes. The model is designed so that its preprocessors run on a VAX and the core model runs on an IBM mainframe. A typical 3-day simulation of the core model for the northeastern U.S. uses 9.5 hours of CPU on an IBM 3090. A total of 19 computer tapes comprise the release of the ROM (Version 2.1). Six of the tapes were generated on an IBM, and 13 tapes were generated on a VAX. The tapes contain source code, sample runstreams, and test data for a 3-day simulation. Potential users of the ROM should be aware that the modeling system is complex and requires extensive computer resources. The services of engineers, meteorologists, or computer scientists experienced in photochemical grid modeling are required. |