Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title System under stress : homeland security and American politics /
Author Kettl, Donald F.
Publisher CQ Press,
Year Published 2004
OCLC Number 54279972
ISBN 1568028881; 9781568028880
Subjects United States--Politics and government ; Intergovernmental cooperation--United States ; National security--United States ; Terrorism--United States--Prevention ; Civil defense--United States ; Public administration--United States ; Terrorism--Prevention ; Bèurgerliche Gesellschaft ; Elfter September ; Innere Sicherheit ; Politisches System ; Verwaltung ; USA
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
ELBM  JK421.K482 2004 AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 06/11/2012
Collation viii, 151 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents Notes
Reading the vital signs: the response to 9-11 -- The rise of "Homeland Security" -- Homeland security and public policy -- The system breaks down -- Connecting the dots -- Mysterious powder -- Worries spread -- Homeland security as coordination -- The federal bureaucracy responds -- The organizational challenge -- First steps -- The restructuring struggle -- The battle over boundaries -- State and local struggles -- The dragon fighters respond to the terrorist attack -- Gaps in the system -- Coordination in theory and practice -- Money -- Normal organizations and abnormal events -- The political costs of managing risk -- Balancing risks -- Warning signals -- Trust -- Civil rIghts and civil liberties -- Passing the Patriot Act -- Broadening the war -- The building storm -- Balancing security and rights -- Stress test -- Opening the policy window -- How does the political system react to stress? -- What has Homeland Security done to the policy system?