Contents Notes |
Goals, agenda and policy recommendations for ecological economics / Robert Costanza, Herman E. Daly, Joy A. Bartholomew -- What do we want to sustain? : environmentalism and human evaluations / Kenneth E. Boulding -- Elements of environmental macroeconomics / Herman E. Daly -- Paramount positions in ecological economics / Garrett Hardin -- Sustainability and the problem of valuation / Talbot Page -- Driving forces, increasing returns and ecological sustainability / Paul Christensen -- Sustainability and discounting the future / Richard B. Norgaard and Richard B. Howarth -- Ecological health and sustainable resource management / Bryan G. Norton -- Environmental policy and distributional conflicts / Juan Martinez Alier -- A new scientific methodology for global environmental issues / Silvio O. Funtowicz, Jerome R. Ravetz -- Reserved rationality and the precautionary principle : technological change, time and uncertainty in environmental decision making / Charles Perrings -- The environment as capital / Salah El Serafy -- Alternative environmental and resource accounting approaches / Henry M. Peskin -- Correcting national income for environmental losses : a practical solution for a theroretical dilemma / Roefie Hueting -- National accounting, time and the environment : a neo-Austrian approach / Malte Faber, John L.R. Proops -- Accounting in ecological systems / Bruce Hannon -- Contributory values of ecosystem resources / Robert Ulanowicz -- Ecological economic analysis for regional sustainable development / Leon C. Braat and Ineke Steetskamp -- Natural resource scarcity and economic growth revisited : economic and biophysical perspectives / Cutler J. Cleveland -- Economic biases against sustainable development / Colin Clark -- Assuring sustainability of ecological economic systems / Robert Costanza -- Local and global incentives for sustainability : failures in economic systems / Stephen Farber -- Intergenerational transfers and ecological sustainability / John H. Cumberland -- Economic strategies for mitigating the impacts of climate change on future generations / Ralph C. d'Arge and Clive Spash -- The role for economic incentives in international allocation of abatement effort / Tomasz Zylicz -- Rethinking ecological and economic education : a Gestalt shift / Mary E. Clark -- Ecological economics and multidisciplinary education / James Zucchetto -- Ecological engineering : approaches to sustainability and biodiversity in the US and China / William J. Mitsch -- On the significance of open boundaries for an ecologically sustainable development of human societies / AnnMari Jansson -- Integrated agro-industrial ecosystems : an assessment of the sustainability of a cogenerative approach to food, energy and chemicals production by photosynthesis / Enzo Tiezzi, N. Marchettini, and S. Ulgiati -- Government policy and ecological concerns : some lessons from the Brazilian experience / Cl ovis Cavalcanti -- Tropical moist forest management : the urgency of transition to sustainability / Robert Goodland [and others]. |