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Main Title Applied multivariate statistical analysis /
Author Johnson, Richard A.
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Wichern, Dean W.
Publisher Prentice-Hall,
Year Published 1988
OCLC Number 16226310
ISBN 0130411469; 9780130411464; 0130411388; 9780130411389
Subjects Multivariate analysis ; Statistics ; Statistics as Topic ; Multivariate Analyse
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
ESBM Newport QA278.J63 1988 CPHEA/PESD Library/Corvallis,OR 01/05/2023 STATUS
Edition 2nd ed.
Collation xvi, 607 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Contents Notes
Part 1: Getting started -- Chapter 1: Aspects of multivariate analysis -- Chapter 2: Matrix algebra and random vectors -- Chapter 3: Sample geometry and random sampling -- Chapter 4: The multivariate normal distribution -- Chapter 5: Inferences about a mean vector -- Chapter 6: Comparisons of several multivariate means -- Chapter 7: Multivariate linear regression models -- Part 3: Analysis of covariance structure -- Chapter 8: Principal components -- Chapter 9: Factor analysis and inference for structured covariance matrices -- Chapter 10: Canonical correlation analysis -- Part 4: Classification and grouping techniques -- Chapter 11: Discrimination and classification -- Chapter 12: Clustering. This book is concerned with statistical methods for describing and analyzing multivariate data. The authors hope that their discussions will meet the needs of experimental scientists, in a wide variety of subject matter areas, as a readable introduction to the staistical analysis of multvariate observations. The authors emphasize the applications of multivariate methods and, have attempted to make the mathematics as palatable as possible.