Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Coal Combustion Waste Impoundment Dam Assessment Report: Martins Creek Steam Electric Station PPL Generation, Bangor, Pennsylvania. Final Report.
CORP Author Dewberry and Davis, Fairfax, VA.; Lockheed Martin Services, Inc., Edison, NJ.; Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH.
Year Published 2009
Report Number EP-C-04-032-REAC
Stock Number PB2010-106782
Additional Subjects Coal wastes ; Dam safety ; Surface impoundments ; Electric power production plants ; Waste management ; Coal ash ; Structural stability ; Construction ; Operations ; Hazards ; Landfills ; Martins Creek Steam Electric Station ; Bangor(Pennsylvania)
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB2010-106782 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 109p
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is embarking on an initiative to investigate the potential for catastrophic failure of Coal Combustion Surface Impoundments (i.e., management unit) from occurring at electric utilities in an effort to protect lives and property from the consequences of a dam failure or the improper release of impounded slurry. The EPA initiative is intended to identify conditions that may adversely affect the structural stability and functionality of a management unit and its appurtenant structures (if present); to note the extent of deterioration (if present), status of maintenance and/or a need for immediate repair; to evaluate conformity with current design and construction practices; and to determine the hazard potential classification for units not currently classified by the management unit owner or by a state or federal agency.