Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Executive Digital Computer Program for Preliminary Design of Wastewater Treatment Systems.
Author Eiler, Richard G. ; Smit, Robert ;
CORP Author Federal Water Quality Administration, Cincinnati, Ohio. Advanced Waste Treatment Research Lab.
Year Published 1970
Report Number EPA-17090; 17090-11/70;
Stock Number PB-219 468
Additional Subjects ( Sewage treatment ; Computer programs) ; FORTRAN ; Computerized simulation ; Water pollution ; Performance ; Cost estimates ; Sedimentation ; Aeration ; Trickling filtration ; Chlorination ; Sludge digestion ; Vacuum filtration ; Thickening ; Dewatering ; Elutriation ; Punched cards ; IBM 1130 computers ; Water pollution control
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-219 468 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 1067 cards
This computer program (FORTRAN, IBM 1130) can be used to compute the quasi-steady-state performance and cost of groups of conventional and advanced wastewater treatment unit processes arranged in any configuration. Each subroutine computes the performance and cost of single unit process. An influent stream vector and decision variables are input. The program presently contains subroutines for simulating the following wastewater treatment processes: preliminary treatment, primary sedimentation aeration-final sedimentation, trickling filtration-final sedimentation, chlorination, anaerobic sludge digestion, vacuum filtration, gravity sludge thickening, sludge elutriation, sludge drying beds, stream mixer, and stream splitter. The document contains the set of 1067 punched cards. For the description of the program see PB-220 056. (Author Modified Abstract)