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Main Title 1995 : Vannevar Bush II : science for the 21st century : forum proceedings, March 2-3, 1995.
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Bush, Vannevar,
Publisher Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society,
Year Published 1995
OCLC Number 33815884
ISBN 0914446096; 9780914446095
Subjects Science and state--Congresses ; Research--Congresses ; World War, 1939-1945--Science
Additional Subjects World War--(1939-1945)
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
ELBM  Q127.U6S5 1995 AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 08/24/2015
Collation 245, [6] pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
Commonly known as the Bush report. "Why should Federal dollars be spent to support scientific research?"--Cover. Includes bibliographical references.
Contents Notes
Science and society in years ahead / Frank Press -- Renewing the compact between science and government / Donald Stokes -- Posing the questions that science has not asked / Neal Lane -- New partnerships between government and industry / Graham R. Mitchell -- Vannevar Bush and the war agaisnt disease / Kenneth I. Shine -- Reinventing the research university / Kumar Patel -- McGovern lecture--Science and society : the troubled frontier / Sidney D. Drell -- The graduate education of scientists and engineers : mtyths, facts, and recommendations / Phillip A. Griffiths -- Political science and social problems : the next century / Neil J. Smelser -- Should the national laboratories exist in 2005? / Katherine Gillman -- Public funding of scientific research / Lewis M. Branscomb -- Procter Prize address--The soul of the scientist / Michael E. DeBakey -- Breakout groups: Must science be catastrrophe-driven? Science illiteracy. Experience with government-industry programs. basic research and American democracy : elitism and egalitarianism. Science and engineering indicators. Graduate and medical education. What can we learn from experience in other countries? The need for social science research. Small company R & D and the national research enterprise -- Strategic research in the social sciences / William Sims Bainbridge -- What can we learn from other countries / William A. Blanpied -- Graduate education / George Bugliarello -- Small business innovation, research & development / David P. Colvin -- Five tensions between science and democracy / David H. Guston -- Must science be catastrophe-driven? / Thomas F. Malone --Public understanding of science is NOT scientific literacy / Alan McGowan -- Challenges to the system for support of basic research / Richard A. Meserve -- Graduate and medical education : 2000 and beyond / Charles E. Putman -- Catastrophe-driven vs. what? / H. Guyford Stever.