Main Title |
The regulatory craft : controlling risks, solving problems, and managing compliance / |
Author |
Sparrow, Malcolm K.
Publisher |
Brookings Institution Press, |
Year Published |
2000 |
OCLC Number |
43512848 |
0815780656; 9780815780656 |
Subjects |
Trade regulation--United States ;
Industrial policy--United States ;
Compliance ;
Administrative procedure--United States ;
Government paperwork--United States ;
Regelgeving ;
Overheidsbepalingen ;
Risicoanalyse ;
Milieuvergunningen ;
Deregulering ;
Compliance--United States
Internet Access |
Holdings |
Library |
Call Number |
Additional Info |
Location |
Last Modified |
Checkout Status |
HD3616.U47S6 2000 |
Region 1 Library/Boston,MA |
07/15/2000 |
HD3616.U47S6 2000 |
CEMM/ACESD Library/Narragansett,RI |
12/15/2014 |
HD3616.U47S6 2000 |
Headquarters Library/Washington,DC |
03/15/2002 |
2000 1315 AR-N |
Law Library/Washington,DC |
10/06/2000 |
HD3616.U47S6 2000 |
Env Science Center Library/Ft Meade,MD |
09/05/2003 |
HD3616.U47S6 2000 |
Region 5 Library/Chicago,IL |
05/09/2017 |
HD3616.U47S6 2000 |
AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH |
09/27/2010 |
HD3616.U47.S637 2000 |
Region 6 Library/Dallas,TX |
04/10/2009 |
HD3616.U47S6 2000 |
Region 10 Library/Seattle,WA |
07/15/2000 |
Collation |
xxii, 346 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm |
Notes |
"Council for Excellence in Government." Includes bibliographical references (pages 315-334) and index. |
Contents Notes |
pt. 1. The challenges of regulation. Pressures. Ideas. Party politics. Customer service : merits and limits. Process improvement : merits and limits -- pt. 2. The emergence of regulatory craftsmanship. Innovations. The elements of reform. The search for results that count. Problem solving : a different kind of work. The stages of problem solving. The problem-solving infrastructure. The Boston gun project. Of strategies reactive, preventive, and proactive. Balanced versus integrated compliance strategies -- pt. 3. The elusive art of risk control. Centrality of the risk control challenge. Finding resources, making space. Managing discretion. Intelligence and analysis -- pt. 4. Demonstrating results. Measuring a risk control performance. Connecting the fabric. Conclusion. |